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Generic text with insertion of some values

Large text boxes can be adapted even further inserting some tags in the data entered in WinBIZ.


The Tags are always enclosed between << ... >>. They can contain functions of various nature.


*/ A Message customized directly from the winBIZ user interface. The content of the tags between << ... >> will adapt when the message is for a certain address or for a certain document.

Bonjour <<alltrim(adr_info(do_adr1, 'ad_nom'))>>. Nous vous rappelons que la facture n° <<do_nodoc>> est encore ouverte pour un montant de <<do_montant>> <<mon_code(do_monnai, 'CHF')>>

*/ Display the delivery date of a document inside a text.

<<do_delai + do_date1>>

*/ Display the delivery date of a document line inside a text.

<<dl_date1 + dl_delai>>

*/ Instead of displaying a date, in these examples we wish to display only the month of the date of the document. Or the month + 1, or the month - 1.




*/ Same as above, but instead of the date of the document, we display the date of each line.


*/ Instead of displaying a date, in these examples we wish to display only the month of the date of the document. Or the month + 1, or the month - 1.




*/ Instead of displaying a date, in these examples we wish to display only the year of the date of the document. Or the year of the date + 1 month, or - 1 month.




*/ Display a beautifully formed text with starting and ending date for a service entered as a line. This can be used in the description of an article.

Période : du 15 <<cmonth(do_date1)>> <<transform(year(do_date1))>> au 14 <<transform(cmonth(gomonth(do_date1,11)))>> <<transform(year(gomonth(do_date1,11)))>>

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