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Retrieve an information about an Item

The art_info() function allows you to retrieve an information from an Item once you know its ID.


The Item ID is articles.ar_numero. It can be found in the Item table (articles.dbf), and in any table that has a foreign key relation with the Items table. Check the chapter about commonly used tables in order to find out this information.


*/ Display the default Item purchase price in a commercial document. Dl_article must be available, and it is the foreign key for ar_numero in the Document lines table.

art_info(dl_article, 'ar_fn_prix')

*/ Display the creation date of an article. The Items table must be already opened.

art_info(ar_numero, 'ar_datecre')

*/ Display the weight of an item. Dl_article must be available, and it is the foreign key for ar_numero in the Document lines table.

art_info(dl_article, 'ar_poids')

*/ Same as above, but from a report not including documents.

art_info(ar_numero, 'ar_poids')

*/ Display the content of one of the 1st miscellaneous field of an Item.



*/ Display the weight of an Item.

art_info(dl_article, 'ar_poids')

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