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This method returns the balance at a given date for a given analytical account number.


       "Method": "AnalyticAccountBalance",
       "Parameters": [
             [, <dDateEnd>]
             [, <dDateStart>]
Parameters Description
cAnalyticalAccount Analytical account number.
dDateEnd Accounting entries up to this date are included. The parameter is not mandatory. If it is not specified, all the entries are included.
dDateStart Accounting entries starting form this date are included. The parameter is not mandatory. If it is not specified, all the entries are included.


*/ Return the current balance for the Analytical Account 1000.

       "Method": "AnalyticAccountBalance",
       "Parameters": [

*/ Return the balance at the 31.03.2017 for the Analytical Account 1000.

       "Method": "AnalyticAccountBalance",
       "Parameters": [

*/ Return the balance between the 01.03.2017 and the 31.03.2017 for the Analytical Account 1000.

       "Method": "AnalyticAccountBalance",
       "Parameters": [

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