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This method returns some statistical information given an item identifier (ar_numero).

Body - raw:


       "Method": "ArInfo",

       "Parameters": [









Parameters Description

Indicates which type of statistics has to be returned. The possible values are:

product_sales_quantity: total sales quantity for the item;

product_group_sales_quantity: total sales quantity for the group of items;

product_sales_amount: total sales amount for the item;

product_group_sales_amount: total sales amount for the group of items;

product_sales_amount_vatexcluded: total sales amount for the item excluding VAT;

product_sales_amount_vatincluded: total sales amount for the item including VAT;

product_group_sales_amount_vatexcluded: total sales amount for the group of items, excluding VAT;

product_group_sales_amont_vatincluded: total sales amount for the group of items, including VAT.
nItemId Primary key identifying the item (ar_numero).
dEndDate The transactions up to the date specified are selected. The parameter is not mandatory. If the parameter is missing all the transactions are selected.
dStartDate The transactions starting from the date specified are selected. The parameter is not mandatory. If the parameter is missing all the transactions are selected.
cGroup If this parameter is specified and the cMethod includes the keyword _group_ only items included in this group are selected and the statistics are cumulative for the whole group.



*/ Return the total sales quantity for the item with ID = 1000.


       "Method": "ArInfo",

       "Parameters": [





*/ Return the total sales quantity for the items in the group ITEMS_TEST.


       "Method": "ArInfo",

       "Parameters": [









*/ Return the total sales quantity for the items in the group ITEMS_TEST up to the 31.03.2017.


       "Method": "ArInfo",

       "Parameters": [








*/ Return the total sales quantity for the items in the group ITEMS_TEST from the 01.03.2017 to the 31.03.2017.


       "Method": "ArInfo",

       "Parameters": [









*/ Return the total sales quantity for the item with ID = 1000 from the 01.03.2017 to the 31.03.2017.


       "Method": "ArInfo",

       "Parameters": [







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