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This method returns a piece of information from a given commercial document.

Body - raw:


       "Method": "DocInfo",

       "Parameters": [









Parameters Description

Indicates which type of statistics has to be returned. The possible values are:

vente chiffre affaire: sales amount;

vente chiffre affaire categorie: sales amount by document category;

vente chiffre affaire groupe article: sales amount by item group;

vente chiffre affaire paiement methode: sales amount by payment method;

vente chiffre affaire paiement type: sales amount by payment method type;

vente chiffre affaire marge: margin on the sales amount;

vente marge groupe: margin by group on the sales amount;

achat montant total groupe article: purchases amount by item group;

achat montant total: purchase amount;

achat montant total categorie: purchase amount by category.
dEndDate The transactions up to the date specified are selected. The parameter is mandatory. If the parameter is missing no transactions are selected.

The transactions starting from the date specified are selected. The parameter is mandatory. If the parameter is missing no transactions are selected.


Parameter that can be coupled with some of the cMethod parameter.

If cMethod = vente chiffre affaire paiement méthode then it can contain the ID of the payment method of the documents (do_ban_pay).

If cMethod = vente chiffre affaire paiement type then it can contain the ID of the type of the payment method of the documents (bq_type).

If cMethod = vente chiffre affaire categorie then it can contain the ID of the category of the documents (do_catego).

If cMethod = achat montant total categorie then it must contain the ID of the category of the documents (do_catego).

 cComplement  Parameter that can be coupled with some of the cMethod parameter.

If cMethod = vente chiffre affaire groupe article then it can contain the items group on which a filter has to be applied.

If cMethod = vente marge groupe then it can contain the items group on which a filter has to be applied.

If cMethod = achat montant total groupe article then it can contain the items group on which a filter has to be applied.




*/ Return the total sales amount for the company from the 01.03.2017 to the 31.03.2017.


       "Method": "DocInfo",

       "Parameters": [

             "vente chiffre affaire",





*/ Return the total sales amount for the document category with ID = 15 from the 01.03.2017 to the 31.03.2017.


       "Method": "DocInfo",

       "Parameters": [

             "vente chiffre affaire categorie",






*/ Return the total sales amount for the items group ITEM_TEST from the 01.03.2017 to the 31.03.2017.


       "Method": "DocInfo",

       "Parameters": [

             "vente chiffre affaire groupe article",







*/ Return the total sales amount for the payment method whose ID is 4 from the 01.03.2017 to the 31.03.2017.


       "Method": "DocInfo",

       "Parameters": [

             "vente chiffre affaire paiement methode",






*/ Return the total sales amount for the payment type whose ID is 3 from the 01.03.2017 to the 31.03.2017.


       "Method": "DocInfo",

       "Parameters": [

             "vente chiffre affaire paiement type",







*/ Return the total margin amount for the company from the 01.03.2017 to the 31.03.2017.


       "Method": "DocInfo",

       "Parameters": [

             "vente chiffre affaire marge",





*/ Return the total margin amount for the items group ITEM_TEST the 01.03.2017 to the 31.03.2017.


       "Method": "DocInfo",

       "Parameters": [

             "vente marge groupe",







*/ Return the total purchases amount for the items group ITEM_TEST from the 01.03.2017 to the 31.03.2017.


       "Method": "DocInfo",

       "Parameters": [

             "achat montant total groupe article",







*/ Return the total purchases amount for the company.


       "Method": "DocInfo",

       "Parameters": [

             "achat montant total",





*/ Return the total purchases amount for the company, for category number 6.


       "Method": "DocInfo",

       "Parameters": [

             "achat montant total categorie",






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