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EntriesImport file

The source file has to be a *.csv delimited by semi-columns defined as follows :


Field Nr Field Name Description Data Type Max. Length Decimals Description of the contents of the field
1 Date Date Date 10 -



2 Voucher Nb. Accounting document Nb. String 10 - Optional
3 Text Input phrase String 100 - Compulsory

If the import concerns a predefined entry, you can fill this field with its code (short description). WinBIZ will automatically fill in:

- The debit account;

- The credit account;

- The amount.
4 Cpt_debit Debit account String 12 - Compulsory
5 Cpt_credit Credit account String 12 - Compulsory 
6 Montant Amount Numerical 15 2 Compulsory
7 Journal Ledger String 1 -


The admitted codes are:

- d: Miscellaneous;

- s: Wages;

- a: Purchases;

- v: Sales;

- i: Inventories;

- m: Assets;

- o: Starting balances;

- b: Closing;

- x: Reversals.

If the WinBIZ installation has NOT only the accounting module activated, ONLY the d code should be used.

8  ME_cours Exchange rate Numerical 12 6 Compulsory if the entry is in a foreign currency
9 ME_mnt Amount in foreign currency Numerical 15 2 Compulsory if the entry is in a foreign currency
10 TVA_taux VAT rate Numerical 5 2

Compulsory if the entry includes VAT

The VAT rate is automatically retrieved from the VAT type specified in the field Nb 20 if this field is not filled in. Otherwise, the VAT rate will be taken from the VAT rate specified in the account subject to the VAT.
11 TVA_mnt VAT amount Numerical  15 - Compulsory if the entry includes VAT
12 TVA_cpt Account subject to the VAT String 1 -

Compulsory if the entry includes VAT. The codes admitted are:

- d: Debit account is subject to VAT

- c: Credit account is subject to VAT

13 TVA_typ VAT type Numerical 1 -

Compulsory if the entry includes VAT. The codes admitted are: 

- 1: No VAT

- 2: VAT due (to be paid)

- 3: Input VAT

- 4: Excluded tax

The VAT type is automatically retrieved from the VAT type specified in the field Nb 20 if this field is not filled in. Otherwise the VAT type will be taken from the VAT rate specified in the account subject to VAT. 

14 TVA_meth TVA calculation method Numerical 1 -

Compulsory if the entry includes VAT. The codes admitted are:

- 1: Gross

- 2: Net

If you choose the Net type, Winbiz will automatically create a 2nd line containing the VAT. 

The VAT calculation method is automatically retrieved from the VAT type specified in the field Nb 10 if this field is not filled in. Otherwise the TVA calculation method will be taken from the account subject to VAT. As last resort, if nothing is specified in the account, the Gross calculation method is used by default.

15 TVA_soum Share liable to VAT in % Numerical 6 2

Optional. Winbiz defaults this value to 100% if the value is omitted.

16 Ecr_monnai Foreign Currency Code Numerical 4 -

This column is ignored during the import. 

The currency of the entry is defined by the currency of the account involved in the entry.

17 Ecr_monqte Quantity of the Foreign Currency rated Numerical 6 -

Auantity of the foreign currency to which the exchange rate is applied. 

The 0 value is allowed only for the entries using only the local currency.

18 Comment   String 80 -

This column is ignored during the import. 

19 Ecr_ana Analytical entry String 20 -

Analytical account number. It's not possible to use distribution diagrams.

20 Ecr_vtcode VAT Code or VAT Number String 20 -

If the VAT type has to be specified via the VAT code manually entered by the use in the VAT types, then use: 

<vt_code=ABC>: where the VAT type Code is ABC

If the VAT type has to be specified via the VAT number used in the VAT types, then use: 

<vt_number=220>: where the VAT number is 220

Keep in mind that, in case you have more than one VAT type using the same VAT number, the first one will be selected. The first solution, via the VAT Code, is the more precise and flexible.

21 Ecr_url URL of the Entry C Unlimited -

An URL that can be associated to the Entry. The URL can be accessed via CTRL-L or right-Click


General considerations:

The file to be imported must contain all the columns mentioned above. The order of the columns is compulsory.

The name of the fields does NOT determine the content.

The optional fields must be in the file, but can be left empty.

Some programs can generate NULL values in their exports. This value is not always supported during the import. The only way to know if it is possible to exploit the files created by your program is to test them yourself.

If you import entries without foreign currencies and without VAT, you can create a file and fill in only the columns from 1 to 6.

If you import entries involving foreign currencies, fill in columns 1 to 9, and columns 16 and 17.

Entries are automatically numbered by WinBIZ during the import. This is in order to avoid duplicates.

Only "simple bookings" can be imported. If you have to import "multiple bookings" you will need to import a "simple booking" for each line that composes the "multiple booking".

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