DocumentImport file for documents transformation
An existing document can be transformed into another type of document using the file import.
The format of the file must be:
File type |
CSV, text delimited by semi-columns |
Delimiter |
Semi-column |
Record delimiter |
CRLF (CHR(10) + CHR(13)) |
Code page |
1252 ANSI (Event. 850 or 437 ASCII) |
File name |
*.wdx or bizexdoc*.csv |
The structure of the information is the same as for the other documents, even if only a few fields are considered in the import
Field Nr | Source | Description | Field type | Example | Comment |
1 | Header | Document Nb | N(12) | 1000 |
Compulsory Indicates the number of the document to be transformed |
2 | Header | Document type | N(2) |
16<TRANSFORM=20> 16 corresponds to the source document type 20 corresponds to the target document type |
Compulsory The document type indicate before the Tag must match the document type of the existing document specified in field 1. The document type specified in the Tag <TRANSFORM=xx> must match the document type in which a document has to be transformed. |
3 to 159 | To be left empty |
The file to be imported must contain all the columns mentioned above. The order of the columns is compulsory.
The name of the fields does NOT determine the content.
The optional fields must be in the file, but can be left empty.
Some programs can generate NULL values in their exports. This value is not always supported during the import. The only way to know if it is possible to exploit the files created by your program is to test them yourself.
Leftovers are not manageable via the transformation of documents done via an import file. Only the totality of a document can be transformed (all the lines, with total quantity).