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DocumentImport file for Addresses

It is possible to import and update the addresses via the DocumentImport file for documents.

The exceptions to the standard structure are the following ones:

Field Nr Source Description Field type Example Comment
2 Header Document type N(2) 00

In order to import Addresses: 

00 Address Import
6 Header Total amount in local currency N(15, 2) 00.00 In order to import Addresses the amount must be zero. 
20 Address Address code C(15) LGE10001


During the import WinBIZ matches the address with:

a) the existing address having the same value in the Address Code field;

b) if not found, the existing address having this same value in the field Complementary address code;

c) if not found, the  existing address having this same value in the field Global location number;

d) if not found, please refer to field number 47.
21-46         Only the fields from 21 to 46 are updated/added according to field 47.
47  Address Address update method N(1) 0


The accepted values are:

2 = adds the address if it doesn't exists. If the address exists in WinBIZ it will be updated and completed.

0 = adds the address if it doesn't exist. If the address exists, its data is replaced with the data from the file.

1 = adds the address if it doesn't exist, but doesn't update it if it exists

If the field is left empty, it defaults to 0

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