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 This method returns a list of addresses.


		"Method": "Addresses",
		"Parameters": [ 


Parameters Description

Allows you to obtain the addresses modified since that date.


The possible values are:

0 - the Road, Town, Country fields are not returned

1 - the above mentioned fields are also returned.

The value defaults to 0 if leaved empty


Allows to specify a list of fields that can be returned at the end of the returned class.

The available fields are;

- ad_naissan - birthday

- ad_utilis1 -> ad_utili10 - miscellaneaous fieds 1 to 10

- ad_groupe - address group

Allows to specify a group to filter the results.

The check is case-insensitive, on the exact name of the group.



*/ Return the complete list of the addresses

        "Method": "Addresses",
        "Parameters": [

*/ Returns the list of addresses modified since March 31,2017

        "Method": "Addresses",
        "Parameters": [

*/ Returns the list of addresses modified since March 31,2017. The class returned contains also the road, town, ZIP code, Country

        "Method": "Addresses",
        "Parameters": [

*/ Returns the list of addresses modified since March 31,2017. The class returned contains also the road, town, ZIP code, Country and the fields ad_utilis1 and ad_utilis2

		"Method": "Addresses",
		"Parameters": [
			"ad_utilis1, ad_utilis2",


Property Description
Id Id (ad_numero)
Code Address code
SimpleName Simplified name of the Address
Operation The operation since the date passed as parameter
Properties returned only with nDetailLevel = 1
Company Company name
CivilTitle Mr. - Mrs.
LastName Last name of the address
FirstName First name of the address
Street1 First line of the address
Street2 Second line of the addess
ZipCode ZIP code of the address
CountryCode Code of the country of the address
Town Town of the address

Language of the address. The values are: en, fr, de, it

Only the fields passed via cAdditionalFields are returned
Birthday Birthday date of the address
Miscellaneous1 Miscellaneous field 1
Miscellaneous2 Miscellaneous field 2
Miscellaneous3 Miscellaneous field 3
Miscellaneous4 Miscellaneous field 4
Miscellaneous5 Miscellaneous field 5
Miscellaneous6 Miscellaneous field 6
Miscellaneous7 Miscellaneous field 7
Miscellaneous8 Miscellaneous field 8
Miscellaneous9 Miscellaneous field 9
Miscellaneous10 Miscellaneous field 10
Group Address group
CreditDefaultBookingMode Adresses's Booking mode creditor by default
VatNumber Adresses's Vat Number


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