This method returns a list of addresses.
"Method": "Addresses",
"Parameters": [
Parameters | Description |
dDateSince |
Allows you to obtain the addresses modified since that date. |
nDetailLevel |
The possible values are: 0 - the Road, Town, Country fields are not returned 1 - the above mentioned fields are also returned. The value defaults to 0 if leaved empty |
cAdditionalFields |
Allows to specify a list of fields that can be returned at the end of the returned class. The available fields are; - ad_naissan - birthday - ad_utilis1 -> ad_utili10 - miscellaneaous fieds 1 to 10 - ad_groupe - address group |
cGroupFilter |
Allows to specify a group to filter the results. The check is case-insensitive, on the exact name of the group. |
*/ Return the complete list of the addresses
"Method": "Addresses",
"Parameters": [
*/ Returns the list of addresses modified since March 31,2017
"Method": "Addresses",
"Parameters": [
*/ Returns the list of addresses modified since March 31,2017. The class returned contains also the road, town, ZIP code, Country
"Method": "Addresses",
"Parameters": [
*/ Returns the list of addresses modified since March 31,2017. The class returned contains also the road, town, ZIP code, Country and the fields ad_utilis1 and ad_utilis2
"Method": "Addresses",
"Parameters": [
"ad_utilis1, ad_utilis2",
Property | Description |
Id | Id (ad_numero) |
Code | Address code |
SimpleName | Simplified name of the Address |
Operation | The operation since the date passed as parameter |
Properties returned only with nDetailLevel = 1 | |
Company | Company name |
CivilTitle | Mr. - Mrs. |
LastName | Last name of the address |
FirstName | First name of the address |
Street1 | First line of the address |
Street2 | Second line of the addess |
ZipCode | ZIP code of the address |
CountryCode | Code of the country of the address |
Town | Town of the address |
Language |
Language of the address. The values are: en, fr, de, it |
Only the fields passed via cAdditionalFields are returned | |
Birthday | Birthday date of the address |
Miscellaneous1 | Miscellaneous field 1 |
Miscellaneous2 | Miscellaneous field 2 |
Miscellaneous3 | Miscellaneous field 3 |
Miscellaneous4 | Miscellaneous field 4 |
Miscellaneous5 | Miscellaneous field 5 |
Miscellaneous6 | Miscellaneous field 6 |
Miscellaneous7 | Miscellaneous field 7 |
Miscellaneous8 | Miscellaneous field 8 |
Miscellaneous9 | Miscellaneous field 9 |
Miscellaneous10 | Miscellaneous field 10 |
Group | Address group |
CreditDefaultBookingMode | Adresses's Booking mode creditor by default |
VatNumber | Adresses's Vat Number |