frequently asked questions

All your questions in one place.


All the calls must be done including some compulsory Headers. All the headers are case sensitive.


Key Value Remark
Content-Type application/json


winbiz-companyname Lighthouse Gmbh

The name of the Company for which the Cloud subscription has been opened. See this article if you don't know where to find the winbiz-companyname. The application must prompt the user for his Company Name.

Remark: the Company Name, especially in French and Italian, can contain characters with accents. We've already seen tools that are not able to manage them correctly. If the tool you develop with is in this configuration, you can encode the winbiz-companyname in base64. The API will manage the conversion, without the need to specify any additional information.

winbiz-username user.test

The username of the Cloud user. The username is chosen by the user when he subscribes to the service. The application must prompt the user for his username.

Remark: the User Name, especially in French and Italian, can contain characters with accents. We've already seen tools that are not able to manage them correctly. If the tool you develop with is in this configuration, you can encode the winbiz-username in base64. The API will manage the conversion, without the need to specify any additional information.

winbiz-password encrypted password

The password of the Cloud user. The password is chosen by the user when he subscribes to the service. The application must prompt the user for the password.

The password must by encrypted:How to encrypt the password in PHP (Java, et.) How to encrypt the password in C#
winbiz-companyid 1000

The WinBIZ Folder Number. See this article if you don't know where to find the winbiz-companyid. The list of available companies can be obtained via the method Folders.

winbiz-year 2017 The fiscal year of the WinBIZ Folder specified in winbiz-companyid. The list of available fiscal years can be obtained via the method Folders.
winbiz-key   The security key obtained from FIDUCIAL WINBIZ SA. 

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