DocumentImport file for documents
The format of the file must be:
File type |
CSV, text delimited by semi-columns |
Delimiter |
Semi-column |
Record delimiter |
CRLF (CHR(10) + CHR(13)) |
Code page |
1252 ANSI (Event. 850 or 437 ASCII) |
File name |
*.wdx or bizexdoc*.csv |
Field Nr | Source | Description | Field type | Example | Comment |
1 | Header | Document Nb | N(12) | 1000 |
Compulsory A tag <NEW> can be added after (or instead of) the document Nb. a) If the field contains only a number and a document doesn't exists in WinBIZ for that type and that number, a new document will be created. Its number will be the one specified in this field. b) If the field contains only a number and a document exists in WinBIZ for that type and that number, the lines will be ignored and an error will be logged. c) If the field contains only the Tag <NEW>, a new document will be created a number assigned by WinBIZ automatically. The document will contain all the lines of the file. d) If the field contains a number and the Tag <NEW> a new document will be created with a number assigned by Winbiz. |
2 | Header | Document type | N(2) | 20 |
Compulsory. the accepted values are: Sales 10 Offer 12 Order confirmation 14 Worksheet 16 Delivery slip 17 Debtor starting balance 18 Cash sale 20 Debtor Invoice 22 Debtor credit note 24 Debtor Payments (see here) Purchases 40 Supplier order 41 Call for tender 42 Reception of goods 43 Creditor starting balance 44 Creditor invoice 46 Creditor payment (see here) 47 Creditor credit note 50 Return of goods Stock 60 Stock movement |
3 | Header | Date | YYYYMMDD or DD.MM.YYYY | 20170301 01.03.2017 01/03/2017 | Compulsory, with or without delimiters |
4 | Header | Time | HH:MM C(5) | 14:59 | Optional |
5 | Header | Reference | C(250) | REF-1234568 | Optional |
6 | Header | Total amount in local currency | N(15,2) | 18350.50 |
Compulsory Remark: for the Stock movements (value 60 in field 2) there can be lines with a negative value in the fields 53 and 57. In that case, the Total amount in local currency must reflect these amounts. |
7 | Header | ISO code of currency | C(3) | USD |
Optional Defaulted to the local currency if empty |
8 | Header | Exchange rate | N(12,6) | 1.28546 | Optional |
9 | Header | Total amount in foreign currency | N(15,2) | 14275.43 | Optional |
10 | Header | Quantity of foreign currency exchanged | N(6) | 1 | Optional |
11 | Header | Collective third party account | C(12) | 1100,2000 |
Compulsory You can use a tag <AUTO> instead of filling in the field with an account number. If you use the tag <AUTO> WinBIZ will: a) firstly use the collective account of the Creditor tab of the Address ; b) secondly the account chosen in Tools->Options->Accounting-> Posting -> Debtor or Creditor Tab c) if no account is specified there, WinBIZ will prompt the user to choose an account that will be used by default from that moment on |
12 | Header | Discount account | C(12) | 3090 |
Optional You can use a tag <AUTO> instead of filling in the field with an account number. If you use the tag <AUTO> WinBIZ will: a) firstly use the account chosen in Tools->Options->Accounting-> Posting -> Debtor or Creditor Tab b) if no account is specified there, WinBIZ will prompt the user to choose an account that will be used by default from that moment on |
13 | Header | Language | C(1) | F |
Optional The admitted values are: F - French E - English A, D, G - German I - Italian |
14 | Header | Document format | N(1) | 1 |
Optional The admitted values are: 1 - Detailed 2- Summarized If left empty it is defaulted to 1 Detailed |
15 | Header | Creditor document ref. Nb | C(10) | ABC123 | Optional |
16 | Header | URL | C(250) | | Optional |
17 | Header | External identifier | C(50) | ABC10001 |
Optional This field can contain the identifier that the document has in the external system that sends the file to WinBIZ <UPDATE> The tag <UPDATE> allows to update the content of the existing document with the content of the new wdx file. The external identifier of the document must accompany the tag. example to modify the existing document that has the External identifier ABC10001: <UPDATE>ABC10001 <LINEADD> The tag <LINEADD> allows to add to the content of the existing document the content of the record containing the tag in the new wdx file. The external identifier of the document must accompany the tag. example to add a line to the existing document that has the External identifier ABC10001: <LINEADD>ABC10001 |
18 | Header | Batch Nb | N(10) | 100 | Optional |
19 | Header | Remarks | C(250) | Merry Christmas | Optional |
20 | Address | Address code | C(15) | LGE10001 |
Compulsory During the import WinBIZ matches the address with: a) the existing address having the same value in the Address Code field; b) if not found, the existing address having this same value in the field Complementary address code; c) if not found, the existing address having this same value in the field Global location number; d) if not found, please refer to field number 47. Remark: do not use the codes of the Addresses' models. |
21 | Address | Section | C(30) | Restaurant | Optional |
22 | Address | Company | C(50) | Microsoft Corp. | Optional |
23 | Address | Last Name | C(30) | Gates | Optional |
24 | Address | First Name | C(30) | Williams G. | Optional |
25 | Address | Street 1 | C(40) | Miscrosoft Way 1 | Optional |
26 | Address | Street 2 | C(40) | PO Box 1 | Optional |
27 | Address | Zip Code | C(10) | 1112222333 | Optional |
28 | Address | City | C(40) | Redmond | Optional |
29 | Address | ISO country code | C(13) | USA | Optional |
30 | Address | Country | C(40) | United States of America | Optional |
31 | Address | Language | C(1) | E |
Optional The admitted values are: F, 1 - French E, 4 - English A, D, G, 2 - German I, 3 - Italian 5 - Other |
32 | Address | Telephone 1 | C(20) | 01 (555) 10000 | Optional |
33 | Address | Telephone 2 | C(20) | 01 (555) 10001 | Optional |
34 | Address | Mobile telephone | C(20) | 01 (842) 10001 | Optional |
35 | Address | Fax | C(20) | 01 (555) 10002 | Optional |
36 | Address | C(60) | | Optional | |
37 | Address | URL | C(50) | | Optional |
38 | Address | Credit limit | N(15,2) | 2000.00 | Optional |
39 | Address | Price table 1-20 | N(2) | 1 | Optional |
40 | Address | Creation date | YYYYMMDD or DD.MM.YYYY | 20170301 01.03.2017 01/03/2017 | Optional |
41 | Address | Birth date | YYYYMMDD or DD.MM.YYYY | 20170301 01.03.2017 01/03/2017 | Optional |
42 | Address | Salutation | C(30) | Dear | Optional |
43 | Address | Delivery address | C(250) |
Dupont & Dupond SA Av. de la Gare 123 1000 Lausanne |
Optional |
44 | Address | Address group | C(50) | Debtors | Optional |
45 | Address | Title | C(30) | Mister | Optional |
46 | Address | Region | C(100) | Zürich | Optional |
47 | Address | Address update method | N(1) | 0 | Optional
The accepted values are: 2 = adds the address if it doesn't exists. If the address exists in WinBIZ it will be updated and completed. 0 = adds the address if it doesn't exist. If the address exists, its data is replaced with the data from the file. 1 = adds the address if it doesn't exist, but doesn't update it if it exists If the field is left empty, it defaults to 0 |
48 | Lines | Line Nb | N(4) | 1> | Optional
The range of accepted vales goes from 1 to 9999 |
49 | Lines | Line type | N(1) | 1 |
Optional The accepted values are: 0-1 = Item If the field is left empty, it is defaulted to 0 (Item). |
50 | Lines | Item code | C(30) | WINWORDXP2003 |
Optional The field is compulsory if you want to add or update a WinBIZ item (see field 74) |
51 | Lines | Description | C(250) | Microsoft Word XP 2003 | Compulsory |
52 | Lines | Line date | YYYYMMDD or DD.MM.YYYYY | 20170301 01.03.2017 01/03/2017 | Optional |
53 | Lines | Quantity | N(15, 4) | 1.000 |
Compulsory The quantity can be negative if the value in field nr. 2 is 60. In this case the Stock movement will be a Stock Entry. In this case fields 57 and 6 must be adjusted accordingly. |
54 | Lines | Unit price in local currency | N(16, 4) | 300.00 | Compulsory |
55 | Lines | Unit | C(15) | PCE | Optional |
56 | Lines | Rebate% | N(7, 6) | 10 | Optional
The accepted range of values goes from 1 to 100 |
57 | Lines | Total line amount | N(12, 2) | 270.00 | Compulsory |
58 | Lines | Unit price in foreign currency | N(16, 4) | 233.80 | |
59 | Lines | Total mount in foreign currency | N(15, 2) | 210.04 | |
60 | Lines | Turnover account | C(12) | 3000 |
Compulsory You can use a tag <AUTO> instead of filling in the field with an account number. If you use the tag <AUTO> WinBIZ will: a) firstly use the information filled in the posting method used by the Item b) secondly (for creditor documents only) use the information filled in the posting method used by the Address c) secondly use the account chosen in Tools->Options->Accounting-> Posting -> Debtor or Creditor Tab d) if no account is specified there, WinBIZ will prompt the user to choose an account that will be used by default from that moment on |
61 | Lines | VAT % | N(15, 2) | 8 | Compulsory |
62 | Lines | VAT Included/Excluded | N(1) | 1 |
Optional The accepted values are: 0, 1 = Included 2 = Excluded If left empty, it will defaulted to 0 = Included |
63 | Lines | VAT account | C(12) | 2200 | Optional |
64 | Lines | TVA method | N(1) | 1 |
Optional The accepted values are: 0, 1 = Gross 2 = Net If left empty, it will be defaulted to 0 = Gross |
65 | Lines | Amount excluded from TVA if the TVA taxation is calculated on the difference | N(15, 2) | 0.00 | Optional |
66 | Lines | Delivery slip or Voucher Nb | C(10) | BON4845 | Optional |
67 | Lines | Rebate amount | N(13, 2) | Optional | |
68 | Lines | VAT Type, VAT Code, or VAT Figure | Variant | <VAT_CODE=ABC123> |
Optional If this value is omitted, the VAT figure specified in the chart of accounts will be used for the turnover account. 1st Method: recommended Use a tag including the Unique TVA type code entered in WinBIZ. Ex: <VAT_CODE=ABC123>: all the VAT information will correspond to the TVA type having its code equal to ABC123. The document import will look for the VAT information corresponding to the Code specified in the Tag. This code can be easily entered in the form used to edit the VAT types. If this method is used there's no need to transmit the information in fields 61, 63 to 65 and 72. Using this method you can force a VAT Figure different from the one used in the VAT Type. This can be done adding a second Tag. Ex: <VAT_CODE=ABC123><VAT_FIGURE=220> We suggest not to use this kind of transmission, and rather create a corresponding VAT Type corresponding to this data. 2nd Method: supported but deprecated 1 = No VAT 2 = VAT Due 3 = Input VAT 4 = Excluding VAT We support this old method. It is deprecated because it obliges to specify separately all the VAT parameters in the fields from 61 to 65 and in field 72. Using this method you can still force a VAT Figure different from the one used in the VAT Type. This can be done adding the VAT Figure TAG. Ex: 4<VAT_FIGURE=220> We strongly deprecate this method. |
69 | Lines | Analytical account | C(20) | Optional | |
70 | Lines | Remarks | C(250) | This product is no more in stock | Optional |
71 | Lines | Vendor code | C(20) | AV21458D | Optional |
72 | Lines | VAT rounding precision | N(1) | 2 |
Optional The accepted values are 0, 1 = 1 ct 2 = 5 cts 4 = 0.1 ct If left empty it is defaulted to 0 = 1 ct |
73 | Lines | Deal Nb | C(10) | 59682E | Optional |
74 | Item | Item update method | N(1) | 1 |
Optional: to be used only if a code is used in field 50. The accepted values are: 0 = never adds and never updates the WinBIZ item >=1 = if a item corresponding to the code in field 50 is found in WinBIZ, the item is updated. Otherwise the item is added. |
75 | Item | Short description | C(50) | MS Word XP | Optional |
76 | Item | Long French description | C(250) | Microsoft Word XP 2003 | Optional |
77 | Item | Long German description | C(250) | Optional | |
78 | Item | Long Italian description | C(250) | Optional | |
79 | Item | Long English description | C(250) | Optional | |
80 | Item | Long description in Other language | C(250) | Optional | |
81 | Item | Bar code | C(23) | Optional | |
82 | Item | Group | C(15) | SOFT WINDOWS | Optional |
83 | Item | Standard sale price | N(15, 2) | Optional | |
84 | Item | Standard purchase price | N(15, 2) | Optional | |
85 | Item | Standard unit | C(20) | Piece, Hour | Optional |
86 | Item | Weight | N(10, 3) | Optional | |
87 | Item | Stocking location | C(15) | REDMOND | Optional |
88 | Item | Miscellaneous 1 | C(25) | Optional | |
89 | Item | Miscellaneous 2 | N(12, 4) | Optional | |
90 | Item | Miscellaneous 3 | C(250) | Optional | |
91 | Item | Miscellaneous 4 | C(250) | Optional | |
92 | Item | Miscellaneous 5 | C(25) | Optional | |
93 | Item | Miscellaneous 6 | C(25) | Optional | |
94 | Item | Miscellaneous 7 | C(25) | Optional | |
95 | Item | Miscellaneous 8 | C(25) | Optional | |
96 | Item | Miscellaneous 9 | C(25) | Optional | |
97 | Item | Miscellaneous 10 | C(20) | Optional | |
98 | Item | Default supplier code | C(20) | LGE10001 | Optional |
99 | Item | Reserved | C(20) | To be left empty | |
100 | Item | Reserved | C(10) | To be left empty | |
101 | Item | Reserved | C(10) | To be left empty | |
102 | Item | Reserved | C(10) | To be left empty | |
103 | Item | Reserved | C(10) | To be left empty | |
104 | Item | Reserved | C(10) | To be left empty | |
105 | Lines | Rebate calculation method, subtotal/total line type | N(1) | 1 |
Optional For the Reduction line types (see field 49) the accepted values are: 1 = Calculated on the total document amount 2 = Calculated since the last Reduction line 3 = Calculated since last subtotal 4 = Calculated since last title 5 = Calculated on the total document amount, reductions excluded 6 = Calculated on last total If left empty for a Reduction line type, it will be defaulted to 1 For the subtotal/total line types (see field 49) the accepted values are: 0 = Subtotal 1 = Total If left empty for a subtotal/total line type, it will be defaulted to 0 |
106 | Lines | Services from | YYYYMMDD or DD.MM.YYYY | 01.06.2017 | Optional |
107 | Lines | Services to | YYYYMMDD or DD.MM.YYYY | 30.06.2017 | Optional |
108 | Object | Object text 1 | C(40) | Optional | |
109 | Object | Object text 2 | C(40) | Optional | |
110 | Object | Object text 3 | C(40) | Optional | |
111 | Object | Object text 4 | C(40) | Optional | |
112 | Object | Object text 5 | C(40) | Optional | |
113 | Object | Object text 6 | C(40) | Optional | |
114 | Object | Object text 7 | C(40) | Optional | |
115 | Object | Object text 8 | C(40) | Optional | |
116 | Object | Object text 9 | C(40) | Optional | |
117 | Object | Object text 10 | C(40) | Optional | |
118 | Object | Object text 11 | C(40) | Optional | |
119 | Object | Object text 12 | C(40) | Optional | |
120 | Object | Object text 13 | C(40) | Optional | |
121 | Object | Object text 14 | C(40) | Optional | |
122 | Object | Object text 15 | C(40) | Optional | |
123 | Object | Object text 16 | C(40) | Optional | |
124 | Object | Object text 17 | C(40) | Optional | |
125 | Object | Object text 18 | C(40) | Optional | |
126 | Object | Object text 19 | C(40) | Optional | |
127 | Object | Object text 20 | C(40) | Optional | |
128 | Object | Reserved | C(40) | To be left empty | |
129 | Object | Reserved | C(40) | To be left empty | |
130 | Object | Reserved | C(40) | To be left empty | |
131 | Object | Reserved | C(40) | To be left empty | |
132 | Document | Code of the Message to be used in the newly document | C(40) |
Optional The codes for the possible Invoices Layout can be returned with the method Messages |
133 | Address | Name of the address template | C(30) | Normal | Optional |
134 | Document | Vendor Code | C(20) | ER2563 | Optional |
135 | Document | Your Reference | C(250) | Optional | |
136 | Document | Category code | C(20) | EXPO_BERN | Optional |
137 | Document | Code of the presentation for the invoice | C(40) | PR5618 |
Optional The codes for the possible Invoices Layout can be returned with the method InvoiceLayouts |
138 | Document | Voluntary settlement | N(1) | 0 |
Optional The accepted values are: 0 = Normal settlement 1 = Voluntary settlement If left empty it will be defaulted to 0 |
139 | Document | Print counter | N(4) | 1 | Optional |
140 | Document | Code of the payment term | C(40) | CP7823 |
Optional The codes for the possible Payment terms can be returned with the method PaymentTerms |
141 | Document | Delay to due date in days | N(4) | 30 | Optional |
142 | Document | Shipment date delay in days | N(4) | 30 | Optional |
143 | Document | Attached file | C(40) |
Optional It's currently not possible to import a pdf file via the API. |
144 | Document | Document rebate amount | N(10, 2) | 14.15 |
Optional This amount is rebated on the total of the document |
145 | Document | Discount amount | N(10, 2) | 5.45 | Optional |
146 | Document | Discount amount in foreign currency | N(10, 2) | Optional | |
147 | Document | Payment method code | C(40) | CCP120 |
Optional Used only for the import of the debtor and Creditor payments. The codes for the possible Payment methods can be returned with the method PaymentMethods |
148 | Document | Warehouse name | C(100) | Lausanne WH | Optional |
149 | Address | Send reminders | N(2) | 0 |
Optional The accepted values are: 0 = Send reminders 1 = Do not send reminders If left empty it is defaulted to 0 |
150 | Document | Code of the 2nd address of the document | C(40) | A100 | Optional |
151 | Document | Code of the 3rd address of the document | C(20) | A1001 | Optional |
152 | Payment | Reserved | C(20) | To be left empty | |
153 | Payment | Reserved | C(40) | To be left empty | |
154 | Payment | Reserved | C(40) | To be left empty | |
155 | Payment | Creditor bank instructions | C(254) |
Optional Please refer to this page: Creditor Bank Instructions in the DocumentImport file for documents
- Max length = 254 - IBAN is going to be compulsory starting from 2018: it's strongly advised to always use the IBAN also when it's not yet compulsory. |
156 | Payment | Reserved | C(40) | To be left empty | |
157 | Payment | Reserved | C(40) | To be left empty | |
158 | Payment | Reserved | C(40) | To be left empty | |
159 | Payment | Reserved | C(40) | To be left empty |
The file to be imported must contain all the columns mentioned above. The order of the columns is compulsory.
The name of the fields does NOT determine the content.
The optional fields must be in the file, but can be left empty.
Some programs can generate NULL values in their exports. This value is not always supported during the import. The only way to know if it is possible to exploit the files created by your program is to test them yourself.
Some fields (ex: the item description) can accept carriage returns. Please check this article for the right way to do so :
It is possible to transform a document in another type. In order to do so, please refer to this topic
File sample
Here you find a simple example that you can copy and paste in a text file to produce a file containing an invoice with 3 lines.
25000;20;01042017;10:50;Installation réseau;1072.5;EUR;1.56;687.5;1;1100;3090;F;;;;;;;LGE10001;Restaurant;Microsoft Corp;Gates;William;Microsoft Way;PO Box 1;11122333;Redmond;USA;United States;F;01(555)10000;01(555)10001;01(555)100002;01(842)10001;;;2000;1;01042017;01041956;;;;;;;1;1;WINWORDXP2003;Microsoft Word XP 2003;01042017;1;300;Pce;10;270;192.3;173.08;3000;7.6;1;2200;0;0;BON4845;;;;;;;;1;MS Word XP;Microsoft Word XP 2003;;;;;;SOFTWARE WINDOWS;300;122.2;Pce;0.35;;;;;;;;;;;;1000F;;;;;;;;;;Objet test 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
25000;20;01042017;10:50;Installation réseau;1072.5;EUR;1.56;687.5;1;1100;3090;F;;;;;;;LGE10001;Restaurant;Microsoft Corp;Gates;William;Microsoft Way;PO Box 1;11122333;Redmond;USA;United States;F;01(555)10000;01(555)10001;01(555)100002;01(842)10001;;;2000;1;01042017;01041956;;;;;;;2;1;WINEXCELXP2003;Microsoft Excel XP 2003;01042017;1;240;Pce;10;216;153.84;138.46;3000;7.6;1;2200;0;0;BON4849;;;;;;;;1;MS Excel XP;Microsoft Excel XP 2003;;;;;;SOFTWARE WINDOWS;240;99.99;Pce;0.37;;;;;;;;;;;;1000F;;;;;;;;;;Objet test 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
25000;20;01042017;10:50;Installation réseau;1072.5;EUR;1.56;687.5;1;1100;3090;F;;;;;;;LGE10001;Restaurant;Microsoft Corp;Gates;William;Microsoft Way;PO Box 1;11122333;Redmond;USA;United States;F;01(555)10000;01(555)10001;01(555)100002;01(842)10001;;;2000;1;01042017;01041956;;;;;;;3;1;WINACCESSXP2003;Microsoft Access XP 2003;01042017;1;690;Pce;15;586.5;442.3;375.96;3000;7.6;1;2200;0;0;BON4850;;;;;;;;1;MS Access XP;Microsoft Access XP 2003;;;;;;SOFTWARE WINDOWS;690;222.3;Pce;0.48;;;;;;;;;;;;1000F;;;;;;;;;;Objet test 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;